Syscoin Masternode Hosting Live on MyCointainer

We are beyond delighted to share our breakthrough development of Syscoin node deployment on MyCointainer. Syscoin users can utilize the advanced developer tools and infrastructure of the platform to deploy their own Syscoin node with no technical requirements necessary.

MyCointainer's node deployment welcomes enterprises and individual developers eager to build their decentralized applications on the Syscoin blockchain without the pain of self-hosted setups. Through our infrastructure solutions, we offer the resources and use innovative technologies to set up and maintain the Syscoin Masternodes.

What is a Syscoin Masternode?

To start with, Syscoin is a dual-layered blockchain that combines Bitcoin’s proof-of-work consensus mechanism with Ethereum’s smart contracts, forming a powerful and secured programmable blockchain development platform. SYS is the native coin of the Syscoin platform.

In the Syscoin ecosystem, Masternodes are used as an international resource pool, instrument for decentralized governance, and source of bonded validators to promote a stronger and reliable network. They play an instrumental role is providing chainlocks which lead to finality on chain. This plays an integral part in securing the network.

Each masternode enabled can represent one vote on any proposal within decentralized governance. With 2500+ active masternodes, these nodes not only increase the decentralization of Syscoin, but also provide blockchain services.

Syscoin Masternodes are essentially full nodes that are incentivized to stay online and operate 24/7. Participants can receive SYS rewards by operating Masternodes and collateralizing 100,000 SYS per node.

The Syscoin reward structure, which consists of 75% of each regular block reward is distributed to masternode operators as an incentive to continue running the node, and the remaining 25% goes to the miners. Each payout amounts to approximately 25 SYS once every 24 hours for the masternode operator, although this will increase over time due to the Seniority Benefits mechanism.

To deploy a full Syscoin Masternode, a number of requirements must be taken into account. These include a cold (offline) wallet, dedicated IP address, high functioning memory and processor powers. Most importantly, it needs a great level of technical expertise to deploy the masternode.

Why choose MyCointainer as your Syscoin hosting partner?

At MyCointainer, our aim is to make the node deployment journey as simple as possible. The solutions we offer can reduce the complexity that hinders developers from making their vision a reality.

To effectively support the decentralized economy, operating an individual node similar to Syscoin Masternode can help the network decentralize. For this reason, we now provide full node support for Syscoin mainnet. With our industry-leading infrastructure, we make it easy for developers to connect to the Syscoin API or host their own node.

Our node management solution eliminates the need to maintain, monitor, and manage Syscoin nodes by yourself. Running a Syscoin Masternode on MyCointainer won’t require technical expertise or expensive hardware and excessive operational costs. Using the platform frees up your time and allows you to focus on core functions of your business and earnings.

When troubleshooting is needed, MyCointainer's dedicated live chat professional will respond in real-time to all requests or queries. Our customer-centric approach is what sets us apart from the other node service providers.

The node deployment hosting comes with an accessible user-interface panel suitable for beginners and tech-savvy individuals. We ensure to oversee your Syscoin node and always have it in-sync with the remaining blockchains.

Anyone can run a node. In a matter of minutes, you can already launch and properly configure your own Syscoin node on MyCointainer. Simply follow the instructions prepared by our technical experts in this article.

Node Deployment - Universal Guide How To Deploy Your First Node | MyCointainer Help Center
Check out our universal step-by-step guide

The Syscoin community can leverage different product integrations on MyCointainer. Apart from the instant access to Syscoin node deployment, we present simple crypto solutions covering hot staking functionality and major crypto exchange pairs. These can drive the success and adoption of the Syscoin ecosystem.

Being a node validator can make you feel part of the project. You are voluntarily contributing to the integrity of blockchain, developments and security, which is in some way a fulfillment for a crypto enthusiast. And MyCointainer will be here to support you.